Dream Big. Make Art.
About Monica Bassett
Monica Bassett is a contemporary abstract artist and performance painter living in the outskirts of Paris for over 20 years. She has been described as part of the lyrical abstraction movement as well as an interfaith painter. Raised Christian, she respects and honors all faiths and traditions and experiences spirtuality as a driving force in her own personal creative process. She is considered permanent « Artist in Residence » at the American Church in Paris and thrives on the 40+ nationalites and backgrounds of the people she meets there. She would say that she makes what the Spirit inspires through her hands acting as a channel for conscious creation. Her art is seen in publications, shown in galleries and presigious venues such as Le Grand Palais on the Champs-Elysées, Le Carrousel du Louvre, and is held in private and public collections worldwide.
In 2014, Monica discovered the joy of what she calls performance painting, a way of creating art in the present moment where everyone leaves a trace of paint on the canvas, during a mission trip to the slums of India working with women and children on a project she entitled Painting with the Spirit. As each person leaves an intention or feeling which is translated through movement and color, the canvas becomes a kind of Ode to Life. She continues this way of sharing her love of art and connecting with people on her various travels: Japan, Korea, Croatia, Italy, France, US.
Monica believes on a very deep level that « thoughts create reality ». This reminds her to reach toward the light, give meaning and bless whatever event occurs in her life, and embrace the grace of inspired creation. Anything else you may want to know about her can be felt in the many layers of her art.
- Fondation Taylor
- Maison des Artistes
- Société des Artistes Indépendants
- Conseil National Français des Arts Plastiques
- Arts-Sciences-Lettres
Web articles about the ACP Exhibit « Painting with the Spirit »
Tony Campollo
American sociologist, pastor, author, public speaker and former spiritual advisor to U.S. President Bill Clinton
Rev. Dr. Scott Herr
Pastor of American Church in Paris
"All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
"It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child."
Perfomance Paintings
Painting wih the Spirit- Tokyo
April 29, 2015
Cultural Centre Ormesson
October 2014
Painting with the Spirit ACP Exhibition
June 2014